February, 1999
Symposium: Child Psychiatry, Cognitive Neuroscience
and Psychotherapy
William Swift, MD Chair
AACAP Annual Meeting Chicago October 1999.
Review Abstract
By Barton J. Blinder M.D., Ph.D.
Clinical Professor
Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior
Director of Eating Disorders Research
University of California, Irvine
CoAuthor Assistants:
Visant A. Sanathara
University of California, Irvine
Joseph Wu M.D.
Associate Professor
Director of Brain Imaging Center
Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior
University of California, Irvine
Recent advances in our understanding
of brain function through imaging associated with cognition,
affect, and memory, have led to new insights into the
impact of experience in the individual processing of
emotions, memory, motivations and dreams. The concept
of mental conflict derived from problematic affective
and interpersonal experiences is at the core of the
psychodynamic perspective in psychiatry. Complexity
and diversity of individual experiences contribute to
the autobiographical narrative and neurobiological structure
of personality. Persisting mental conflict (psychoneuroses)
originates through the encoding of developmental conflictual
experiences in representational schemata that are repetitively
evoked resulting in nonadaptive, non error correcting
responses to the demands of the self system, interpersonal
function and the material world. In the psychotherapeutic
encounter the foregoing appear in psychological defense,
resistance, transference, phenomena, salient dreams
and enactments in the course of treatment. These are
the patterns that are the objects and focus of psychotherapy.
The amygdaloid
complex has a selective role in learning and memory
processing, and its activation during emotional experiences
may be related to the long-term conscious recall of
these experiences. It appears to modulate memory storage
during periods of emotionally influenced conscious recall.
The significance of heightened emotion in the consolidation
of cognitive data is a complex matter. Freud and later
investigators such as David Rappoport, were inspired
by their clinical observations to view a substantial
part of psychological defenses and reaction patterns
to be determined by the complex relationship between
emotions and memory.
In the caudate nucleus of the basal
ganglia, feeding components involve consummatory behavior,
aphagia/hyperphagia, food seeking and reactions to the
visualization of food. This motor behavior with feeding
is in contrast to appetite satiety regulation in the
hypothalamus. Many of the obsessional and ritual behaviors
in eating disorders that resist modification and attempts
at therapeutic intervention may be driven by the foregoing
neurobiologic mechanisms. A developmental psychopathology
of the eating disorder is gradually emerging from observation
and research into the developmental stages of feeding,
attachment and separation, and the psychobiology of
appetite regulation and food selection.
Specific brain regions may be involved
in recognition of emotion in the external world. The
emotional recognition deficit in depression resembles
deficits found in persons with focal right hemisphere
brain damage. The neurobiologic deficit may initiate
and amplify both intrapsychic and interpersonal conflict
during a depressive episode.
The activation of the visual association
cortex is seen in generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive
compulsive disorder, and panic, and suggests hypervigilance
as a common characteristic associated with fear and
Visual and limbic areas operate actively
during dreaming sleep (REM) functionally as a closed
system that is disconnected from the frontal lobes.
This dissociation may explain many experiential dream
features such as the heightened emotionality, uncritical
acceptance of bizarre content, parallel thoughts and
images, temporal distortions, and the absence of reflective
awareness. The "primary process" mental functioning
in dreams suggested by Freud is certainly elicited.
The interpretation of dreams may be of more significance
for clues to affective states (anxiety, panic, depression,
and aggression) than for more elaborate cognitive meanings.
The significance of "dream work" in problem
solving, transference, and complex psychological defenses
will need reinvestigation and reinterpretation in psychotherapy.
The role of dreams is clearly multidetermined and may
have both a communication/disclosure function and a
neurobiologic consolidation outcome that aids in processing
Psychotherapy that indicates changes
in behavior may do so by producing alterations in gene
expression that produce new structural changes in the
brain. Both pharmacological intervention and psychotherapy
in the treatment of "neuroses" should if successful
produce functional and structural change. Pharmacotherapy
and psychotherapy may be synergistic for change by promoting
consolidation of the biological substrate of their individual
and combined effects. Variations such as length and
frequency of sessions, use of participation and arousal
techniques, and awareness of stereotyped resistances
in cognitive set and behavior, may be linked to a rational
neurobiologic understanding. Naturalistic observations
of psychopathology extended and amplified by neurobiologic
studies and the knowledge gained are now given a new
meaning, with the hope for greater understanding and
possibilities for transformations by newly enlightened
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